Phase 3: Create/Discuss: Inquiry Project Design

Description: Your Project Overview may represent a “detailed unit plan,” a series of classroom or online resources, a workshop, field trip, or other inquiry project that you would undertake with students or colleagues.

The Design itself will include, but not be limited to:

  • Your Inquiry Topic Exploration and Inquiry Project Brainstorm (graded separately).
  • A brief “reimagined for Inquiry” Project overview, inspired and guided by Sharon Friesen’s (2009) Five Teaching Effectiveness Principles, and the Rubric for Inquiry.
  • Rationale for your project, and a brief description of the activities/research that you carried out to create this project.
  • Key Questions for Inquiry and notes on the Inquiry Cycle.
  • Learning Principles from BC Curriculum: K-12 Core Competencies, Big Ideas (Understand), Learning Standards for Curricular Competencies (Do), Learning Standards for Curricular Content (Know), and First Peoples Principles for Learning.
  • Assessment principles, with explanations of inquiry connections.
  • Your sample lesson plan, handouts and resources from the Inquiry Lesson Plan Demonstration (graded separately).
  • An overview of the project activities that learners will undertake, with explanations of inquiry connections. This will most likely be presented in the form of lesson plans (approximately 4-10, depending on the scope of the project), with a level of detail commensurate with the purpose of the project and the experience and background of each student. Alternative representations are acceptable.
  • Optional for practicing teachers: an explanation of how you incorporate creative strategies to encourage respectful relations, with respect to: authentic intellectual engagement (Inquiry-based pedagogy); inclusive practices (Universal Design for Learning); personalization (Differentiated Instruction), and culturally respectful and relevant teaching. These strategies may include ways to encourage active, respectful and equitable participation, to weave Indigenous Principles of Learning, and to show respect for all forms of diversity by incorporating a range of learning styles, interests, and skill sets. Connect these to inquiry-based pedagogy.
  • Include the following as appropriate: detailed teaching plans; relevant resources; video demonstrations and/or reflections; student assessment and assignment samples. The format of the design is flexible, and the focus and level of detail will be reflected in student background, previous experience in inquiry and planning, and purpose of the project.
  • Citations and references for all research and planning correctly cited in APA format, with a minimum of five required and recommended readings and resources studied in class, and a minimum of five relevant outside resources.